Phase I Grand Opening on September 28!
THE SCITUATE DOG PARK will officially open on September 28!
The Friends of Scituate Dog Park (FOSDP) is excited to announce the GRAND OPENING of the Scituate Dog Park on Saturday, September 28, 2019 from 10:00-12:00!
Activities include an official ribbon cutting at 10am and a “running of the dogs ~ into the park!” at 10:30. There will be food, music, local vendors, and an opportunity to buy a FOSDP T-shirt.
“What a long way we’ve come from an idea that started on a Scituate Facebook page,” says Board Member Britain Davis.
Lisa Huffman, President of FOSDP says “This park started with an idea over 3 years ago and has finally happened. There are so many people to thank. First and foremost, Town Engineer, Sean McCarthy. His dedication and support to this project has been invaluable. We also must thank Town Administrator, Jim Boudreau, all the board members (past and present), and, of course, the many donors to this park. In addition to the Stanton Foundation and CPC grants, it was the money from individual contributions and generous donations from local supporters including Driftway Animal Hospital, Ringer Excavating Corp., Elizabeth Wiza, George and Claudia McKenna, and Michelle Anne Murphy (Realtor), and many more, that ultimately got us to this point.”
Board Secretary, Kerry Tondorf, added “It’s heartwarming to see how much love and hard work has gone into this project. So many people have donated not only their time and energy but trees, benches, flowers, water bubblers, etc. It’s truly a Scituate park — created by dog-loving people — and something Scituate can truly be proud of.”
There will be a 3-day GRAND OPENING sale of bricks for the brick walkway to be installed this fall. It is a buy one brick, get one half-price sale. It is available for 3 days only – Saturday September 28 – Monday September 30th. Order forms will be available at the park on Saturday or can be ordered on-line at You can put any inscription you like on these bricks including family or business names. The 90+ orders already received consist of dogs, family and business names as well as birthday wishes, blessings for cats and loving memories of four-legged friends no longer with us. Anyone who has already ordered a brick can also receive a 2nd brick for half-price.
FOSDP will continue fundraising to complete Phase II of the park — a 1/2 acre area exclusively for smaller dogs. All contributions are greatly appreciated!
Join FOSDP for the 3rd Annual Howl-oween Fundraiser at The Barker Tavern on October 26th from 7-11pm. Tickets are only $50/person and are on sale now through our Facebook page and Eventbrite! There are also 4 VIP tables that seat 10 for $475.
The public is welcome to join us on Saturday, Sept. 28th and dogs are welcome at 10:30 to try it out!