We are The Friends of Scituate Dog Park.
The mission of The Friends of Scituate Dog Park is to encourage responsible dog ownership through recreation and education. The goal of our organization is to build and operate a secure dog park that will provide a safe, clean off-leash recreational environment for dogs and owners, and to educate the community to promote responsible dog ownership.
Who We Are.
The Friends of Scituate Dog Park is a non-profit organization incorporated under the laws of the State of Massachusetts and is organized for the operation and maintenance of the park, as well as for charitable and educational purposes. We consist of a Board of Directors (a minimum of 7 individuals from the community with voting rights related to providing guidance to the operations of the park), and an Executive Committee made up of the following Officers:
President: Lisa Huffman
Vice-President: Susan Grondine Dauwer
Secretary: Alison Duhamel
Treasurer: Ashley Meehan
In addition, special committees made of community members are assembled to provide assistance with special projects.
501c3 Information.
In 2017, The Friends of Scituate Dog Park applied for and was subsequently approved for non-profit 501(c)(3) status through the IRS and with the state of Massachusetts. There are several tax benefits that come along with the 501(c)(3) status. The most important of these benefits is for you — all your donations to help bring a dog park to Scituate are tax-deductible! In addition to donations from our supporters, The Friends of Scituate Dog Park, along with the town of Scituate, applied for and received a $225,000 construction grant from the Stanton Foundation. The Friends of Scituate Dog Park also applied for and received $48,700 in funding from the Community Preservation Committee (CPC) of Scituate.
Friends of the Scituate Dog Park EIN: 81-5272021