How To Help
Your support through donations helps with the operations and maintenance of the park, in order to keep it in peak condition for you and your dogs’ enjoyment! Your donation is fully tax deductible.
Scan the QR code to make a Venmo donation or click on the Make A Donation button to donate via PayPal.
If you prefer to send a check, please make it out to Friends of Scituate Dog Park and mail to:
P.O. Box 246, Scituate, MA 02066
The first time you go to http://smile.amazon.com/ it will ask you to select a charitable organization. Select Friends of Scituate Dog Park. You will find the exact shopping experience as the regular Amazon site but 0.5% of your purchases will be donated to us.
Thank you!
We are offering bricks for sale to be installed at the Scituate Dog Park in 2023…hopefully to coincide with the construction of the small dog park. Simply click the button below to order yours. Thank you!
Throughout the year, Friends of Scituate Dog Park will host fundraising events and will need volunteers such as yourself to assist us. If you would like to consider donating your time for our cause, please check our website and Facebook pages for fundraising activities and calls for volunteers, or send an e-mail to scituatedogpark@gmail.com.