April 2019
At the Scituate Board of Selectman meeting on April 2, the BOS voted unanimously to award the bid to build the Scituate Dog Park to Green Acres Landscape & Construction of Lakeville, MA for $282,723. The funding to pay for the construction services will come from The Stanton Foundation ($225,000 grant), the Scituate CPC ($48,700 grant), and a donation of $9,023 made by the non-profit Friends of Scituate Dog Park. FOSDP will also donate the water service installation thanks, in part, to Ted Ringler, Owner, Ringler Excavating Corp. of Scituate who will be providing the work for the water installation as a donation to the non-profit. Thank you Ted!
We are expecting to break ground in early May with completion of the park by the end of September.
There are not enough words to express how grateful we are for everyone who has supported us through this long journey. While we will continue to fundraise for amenities, maintenance costs, and the addition of Phase II, we are thrilled to be moving forward with Phase I and getting Scituate the Dog Park it so desperately needs and deserves.
In addition to the FOSDP Board Members and our wonderful supporters, we’d like to thank Sean McCarthy, DPW Engineering Supervisor, for his tireless efforts to help us navigate the ins and outs of Town projects and for being the liaison with The Stanton Foundation. His assistance has truly been invaluable.
Are you a friend of the Scituate Dog Park? Sign up for our monthly newsletter and you'll receive up-to-date information on the progress of our new park. Plus, we’d love to feature pictures of the dogs who will soon be using the Scituate Dog Park so send us a photo of your best friend! To sign up and send photos, please email scituatedogpark@gmail.com.
In addition to our monthly newsletter, check out the EVENTS page for our upcoming fundraisers!